Who Gets to Thrive? The Science of Learning and Development as a Tool for Anti-Racism

Angela Ward
Classroom Management
10 Minute Read
November 2, 2021

Education is a cornerstone of democracy and essential to our individual and collective success. Yet each day, young people, particularly BIPOC young people, in America are faced with the challenge of learning within education systems that perpetuate deep structural racism. How can we use insights from the science of learning and development to transform our education policies and practices to dismantle racism and cultivate experiences for all young people to thrive?

Our nation's education system is at a crossroads. The choices that we make, particularly in this school year, can either ignore or further exacerbate inequity, or can be leveraged to create more equitable, identity-affirming, safe environments where all young people, especially BIPOC youth, can learn and thrive. The Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) Alliance is inviting field leaders to join a series of conversations, “Who Gets to Thrive? The Science of Learning and Development as a Tool for Anti-Racism.”

Angela Ward, "Who Gets to Thrive? The Science of Learning and Development as a Tool for Anti-Racism", as originally posted on SoLD Alliance, 11-02-2021, https://www.soldalliance.org/post/who-gets-to-thrive-the-science-of-learning-and-development-as-a-tool-for-anti-racism

Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

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