What's the Difference Between a Walkthrough and a Learning Walk? 5 Areas Both Should Focus On!!!

Peter Dewitt
Assessment and Feedback
10 Minute Read
April 19, 2021

Educators tend to use the words walkthroughs and learning walks interchangeably but there should be a clear difference between both. One involves feedback and the other does not. However, there are five areas that both can focus on!

The Five areas that educators can focus on are:

1. Cooperative Learning vs Cooperative Seating

2. Authentic Engagement vs Compliant engagement

3. Student Talk vs Teacher Talk

4. Growth Mindset vs Deficit Mindset

5. Teacher Clarity

Peter  DeWitt ,"What's the Difference Between a Walkthrough and a Learning  Walk? 5 Areas Both Should Focus On!!!" As originally published on  YouTube,04/19/2021 ,https://youtu.be/lO7SyABlpAM

Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

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