High Impact Classroom Practices

Inspired Education partners with teachers and leaders to prioritize, plan and implement High Impact Classroom Practices across the school that address the most prevalent needs of each learner.

The High Impact Classroom Practices pillar supports teachers at every career stage by providing actionable strategies on the best ways to adapt high-yield instructional practices and social-emotional learning practices for every student in every classroom based on individualized learning goals, student needs, teacher competencies and school contexts.

We support the introduction and implementation of these High Impact Classroom Practices through our TrueNorth Student Voice App instructional toolkit as well as through custom virtual and in-person seminars and workshops facilitated by our Thought Leader Collaborative.

Each teacher within the school will be equipped to develop a personalized professional learning plan based upon the student data collected from their classroom, which will identify the High Impact Classroom Practices area(s) that they will be focusing on over a specified period of time.

As teachers across the school begin to apply the High Impact Classroom Practices to their instructional practice, they will undertake an inquiry cycle focused on: defining student objectives, planning effective lessons, gathering evidence and feedback on student learning, reflecting on practice, and measuring their impact.

This highly personalized approach to supporting the growth and development of teachers provides a consistent and highly scalable framework proven to increase student learning.

Learn more about each of the High Impact Classroom Practices below or download the High Impact Classroom Practices Reference Guide.

Universal Design for Learning

The principles of Universal Design for Learning include  engagement, representation, and action and expression. These principles lead us to think about 1) how we engage our students and sustain their interest and persistence, 2) how we ensure our instruction is accessible, helps us connect with students and improves their understanding, and 3) how we support students to show their learning in multiple ways that are connected to the goals of the lesson and students’ individual goals.

Student Engagement

Engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills, reduces behavioral problems, and promotes meaningful learning experiences. Engagement has long been regarded as a predictor of achievement and cognitive engagement is the ultimate outcome of a student’s ability to concentrate on a task and to persist despite challenges.

Teacher Clarity

Teacher clarity occurs when the teacher decides on learning intentions and success criteria, makes them transparent to students, and demonstrates them by modeling. The teacher checks for understanding, and at the end of each lesson revisits what was covered and ties it all together. Much of student learning is not possible without clarity, as clarity informs planning, assessment, and feedback.

Assessment and Feedback

Student assessment is the process of evaluating students’ abilities and achievements. Feedback informs a student and/or teacher about the student’s performance relative to learning goals and redirects teacher and student actions so the student can align effort and activity with a clear outcome that leads to achieving a learning goal. Assessment and feedback are ongoing daily activities in every classroom and are integral to effective teaching.

Fostering Metacognition

Metacognitive  strategies teach students to think about their own thinking. When students  become aware of the learning process, they gain control over their learning.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated teaching incorporates methods teachers use to extend the knowledge and skills of every student in every class, regardless of their starting point. The objective is to lift the performance of all students, including those who are falling behind and those ahead of year level expectations.

Classroom Management

In order to be effective instructional leaders, teachers must support the social, intellectual, and physical structure of the classroom. Taking a proactive approach to building relationships between the teacher and students, among students, and between the teacher and parents ensures that students participate in a learning community based on mutual respect and caring. Students whose learning needs are being met are likely to feel competent and a part of the positive and safe classroom community and, therefore, much less likely to exhibit problem behaviors and more likely to ask for help when they need. Good classroom management strategies increase student achievement, improve classroom culture and climate, provide a safe and welcoming learning environment, and prevent both learning and behavior challenges.

Social-Emotional  Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, skills and dispositions necessary to understand and regulate emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is inclusive of research-based practices such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Restorative Justice, Character Education and Trauma Invested practices.

Culturally Responsive Instruction

Culturally responsive pedagogy is a student-centered approach to teaching in which the students' unique cultural strengths are identified and nurtured to promote student achievement and a sense of well-being about the student's cultural place in the world.

Collective  Efficacy

Collective efficacy is evident when teachers see themselves as part of a team working together for their students. When educators believe in their collective ability to lead the improvement of student outcomes, higher levels of achievement result.