The Path to Racial Equity: Courageous Conversations

Glenn Singleton
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
10 Minute Read
January 18, 2021

Despite America’s most sacred ideal of egalitarianism, racial inequality has been a fact of American life throughout our history. Despite historic civil rights advancements, systemic inequity continues to be ingrained in our society—including in our own communities—holding us back from our promise.

How can we educate ourselves to better understand and be conscious of the everyday marginalization and inequity experienced by people of color?

Guest: Glenn E. Singleton, Founder and President of Courageous ConversationModerator: Mark K. Updegrove, President & CEO, LBJ Foundation

Glenn  Singleton,"The Path to Racial Equity: Courageous Conversations",as  originally posted on YouTube,01-18-2021,

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

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