The Four Agreements - Glenn Singleton

Glenn Singleton
10 Minute Read
August 28, 2020

The Four Agreements are a way of containing the conversation . These are like the walls that surrounds which we are having conversation .

Each wall represents an agreement.

The Four Agreements of Courageous Conversations

1. Stay engaged: Staying engaged means “remaining morally, emotionally, intellectually, and socially involved in the dialogue”.

2. Experience discomfort: This norm acknowledges that discomfort is inevitable, especially, in dialogue about race, and that participants make a commitment to bring issues into the open. It is not talking about these issues that create divisiveness. The divisiveness already exists in the society and in our schools. It is through dialogue, even when uncomfortable, the healing and change begin.

3. Speak your truth: This means being open about thoughts and feelings and not just saying what you think others want to hear.

4. Expect and accept nonleisure: This agreement asks participants to “hang out in uncertainty” and not rush to quick solutions, especially in relation to racial understanding, which requires ongoing dialogue.

Glenn Singleton, “The Four Agreements - Glenn Singleton”, As originally published on YouTube, August 28, 2020,

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

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