PD Models to Support Collective Efficacy

Jenni Donohoo
Collective Efficacy
10 Minute Read
March 13, 2010

Author and expert Jenni Donohoo highlights effective professional development models to support collective teacher efficacy.

When teachers believe that, together, they are capable of developing students’ critical thinking skills, creativity, and mastery of complex content, it happens!

Collective teacher efficacy (CTE) refers to a staff’s shared belief that through their collective action, they can positively influence student outcomes. This introductory session focuses on the effect size research, sources shaping collective efficacy beliefs, and the consequences of collective teacher efficacy.

Jenni  Donohoo ,"PD Models to Support Collective Efficacy" As originally  published on YouTube,03/13/2019 ,https://youtu.be/2LlYHcqInkM

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

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