Jenni Donohoo: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence Webinar

Jenni Donohoo
Collective Efficacy
10 Minute Read
November 9, 2017

Jenni Donohoo presents "Collaborating to Achieve Excellence: How to Foster Collective Efficacy in Schools"

Three stories told on this video related to Collaborating to Achieving Excellence!

What matters most in raising student achievement?

Research identifies collective efficacy—the shared belief that what we do really matters—as the #1 factor. When teachers believe that, together, they can positively impact student learning, it results in a number of productive patterns of behavior: deeper implementation of high-yield strategies, increased teacher leadership, high expectations, and a strong focus on academic pursuits.

Watch to learn more about what collective efficacy is, why it's important, and how to foster efficacy to ensure equity, promote well-being, and enhance public confidence in education.

By the end of this presentation, you will:
1. Understand what collective efficacy is and why it’s important
2. Learn about the effect size research that demonstrates factors that influence student achievement
3. Gain insight into how collective efficacy beliefs are formed
4. Identify the positive consequences associated with collective efficacy and the negative effects that occur when staffs do not share a sense of efficacy
5. Know the enabling conditions that help collective efficacy to flourish
6. Examine ways to foster efficacy beliefs through leadership practices

Jenni  Donohoo ,"Jenni Donohoo: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence  Webinar" As originally published on YouTube,11/09/2017  ,

Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

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