Having Hard Conversations with Jennifer Abrams

Jennifer Abrams
10 Minute Read
September 22, 2020

With all the challenges we face, we are going to have to have a hard conversation with someone.  

What kind of questions should we ask ourselves? What kind of planning should we do?

What kind of linguistic scaffolds and choice of words do we need to have in order to have humane and growth-producing conversations?

For many educators, confronting a colleague about a work-related issue can be a daunting matter. This insightful book helps educators speak with clarity and courage to directly address difficult situations within their schools.

Having Hard Conversations provides an interactive, personal approach to mastering the art of challenging conversations. The author's step-by-step strategy addresses a wide range of situations, including communication with supervisees, peers, and supervisors. Emphasizing that initiative and preparation are the keys to a successful conversation, this resource includes:

  • Thought-provoking questions and first-person accounts that help educators become more self-aware, effective communicators
  • Advice on overcoming personal hesitation about expressing concerns
  • Guidance on identifying goals for the conversation and choosing the best "what-where-and-when" for a productive discussion
  • Sample scripts and practical tools to help educators prepare for the conversation

By addressing important issues directly and professionally, educators can find self-empowerment and promote an open, healthy school environment.

Jennifer  Abrams ,"Having Hard Conversations with Jennifer Abrams" As  originally published on YouTube,09/22/2020 ,https://youtu.be/mmqDMz34_BQ

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

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