Happy for Others | Peter DeWitt | Leading Change in Assessment

Peter Dewitt
10 Minute Read
March 15, 2021

Tom examines the question of why it's so hard for us to be happy for others. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Peter DeWitt to discuss what it means to be an instructional leader.

Finally, in Assessment Corne, Tom uses Dr. John Kotter's research to explore the important phases necessary to transform the assessment ; grading culture of a school.

Here are the timestamps highlights during the Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don't @ Me (2:45), Tom examines the question of why it's so hard for us to be happy for others. Then, Tom is joined by Dr. Peter DeWitt (17:38) to discuss what it means to be an instructional leader. Finally, in Assessment Corner (1:19:07), Tom uses Dr. John Kotter's research to explore the important phases necessary to transform the assessment & grading culture of a school.

Peter DeWitt, “Happy for Others | Peter DeWitt | Leading Change in Assessment”, As originally published on YouTube, March 15, 2021,https://youtu.be/_nTc8j1VYSM

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

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