Conceptually Speaking - Dr. Jenni Donohoo Talks Collective Efficacy

Jenni Donohoo
Collective Efficacy
10 Minute Read
January 8, 2022

Our guest today is best selling author, consultant, and facilitator Jenni Donohoo.

Jenni’s work focuses on the idea of collective efficacy—a belief system that asserts, through teacher’s shared beliefs and actions, schools can positively affect student outcomes. Something that, at first glance might seem straightforward, but as you’ll realize over the course of this episode, is infinitely complex.

We used the concepts of beliefs, expectations, results, efforts, and collaboration to frame today’s conversation, and I know that personally, my head is still spinning at the game changing potential collective efficacy can have in education. Jenni’s vision for a more collaborative school is one that I’m sure you’ll find compelling.

Over the course of today’s episode, we’ll dive in to a range of examples from psychology, history, and even our own lives to uncover the power of collective efficacy.

Jenni Donohoo, "Conceptually Speaking - Dr. Jenni Donohoo Talks Collective Efficacy " , as originally published on Conceptually Speaking , 01-08-2022,

Photo by tribesh kayastha on Unsplash

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